Learning can be a challenge for many people:

Do you feel powerless when you are in a classroom trying to learn something?

Do you want to study more effectively?

Do you want to stop wasting time learning things that do not matter?

Do feel like what you are learning is not helping you achieve your goals?


Would you like to turn the tables on learning?

Do you want a great learning experience regardless of the class or instructor?

Do you want to own you learning and own your success?

Do you want confidence to learn anything you want?

Do you want to know and use study tools and methods to help you retain information?

Do you want the clarity and focus to align what you learn with that which matters most to help achieve your goals?


Over 2 million people have taken the online course called “Learning How To Learn”, created by University of California, San Diego; available on coursera. Unlike this course, which is 4 weeks long, This Learning Frames Course doesn’t take weeks to learn it takes a few hours to begin to understand and build your own Learning Frame.

Learning how to learn is helpful, but more important is knowing what you need to learn to be successful. 

Once you understand the concept of a Learning Frame you can start the journey of creating learning experiences that matter, that impact your life and that will change your destiny.

Learning Frames is a cognitive aliment system that wraps around anything you want to learn.  Yes, you will be able to learn more effectively using a Learning Frame, but more importantly you will be able to sustain your passion and energy as you view all of life’s opportunities as ways to engage with the world and frame your learning in way that is meaningful, durable and impactful.

For more information visit my website at www.learning-frames.com

Learning Frames is the next revolution in learning.  You can create your own learning experience regardless of the subject matter, your instructor or your learning environment.

By the end of this Learning How to Learn course you will be able to:

-Identify the factors that can unlock your potential as a learner by focusing on your Learning Frame. 

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Learning How to Learn

    • How to use this course

    • How To Know If You Need Learning Frames

    • A Message From the Instructor

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Reason Learning Frame

    • What is the Reason Learning Frame?

    • The Power of Metacognition

    • Why do you want to learn?

    • The Why of Learning

  • 3

    Analysis Learning Frame

    • What is the Analysis Learning Frame?

    • What are your learning behaviors

    • Mindset Assessment

  • 4

    Stratedgy Learning Frame

    • What is the Strategy Learning Frame?

    • Strategy for Active Learning

    • How Memory Works

  • 5

    Evaluation Learning Frame

    • What is the Evaluation Learning Frame?

    • Ways we delude ourselves

    • The Value of Learning From Failure

  • 6

    Next steps

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

About the instructor

Learning Strategist

Shane Lester

Shane Lester earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Professional Writing and a Master’s of Science degree in Instructional Technology with an emphasis in learning psychology from Utah State University. Shane has had a dual corporate careers in training design and software product design. Shane has published four books and is now on a mission to help people analyze their failures and create learning strategies to help them achieve their goals.

What others have been saying about this course:

Become a better learner and create your own learning experiences. 

Click the sign up button to purchase the course!

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